Janitorial Industries

Janitorial Supplies Brandon

Elevate customer experience with high quality cleaning solutions, while moving away from single-use plastics.

The cleanliness of your establishment leaves a lasting impression on every customer who enters your doors. Elevate their experience with ReThink BioClean’s exceptional janitorial supplies, designed to help you maintain a clean and inviting environment.

We offer a comprehensive range of disinfectants, hand sanitizers, cleaning liquids, and other janitorial supplies to keep your space polished and professional. By choosing ReThink BioClean, you not only enhance your customers’ experience but also make a positive impact on your bottom line and the environment. Our products are carefully selected to reduce the need for single-use plastics, aligning with your sustainability goals. Trust ReThink BioClean to deliver high-quality supplies that promote cleanliness, sustainability, and a remarkable customer experience.

We understand the importance of having the right cleaning solutions readily available whenever you need them. Our dedicated team will proactively manage your inventory, guaranteeing that you never run out of essential cleaning products.


What are the advantages of choosing ReThink BioClean?

ReThink BioClean Brandon offers a distinct and tailored refillery service for your janitorial supplies. Our comprehensive solution includes monitoring the levels of your industrial cleaning supplies, ensuring that you never run out of essential products. Additionally, we maintain a fully stocked catalogue of industrial janitorial equipment, providing you with easy access to the equipment you need when you need it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we work with our customers by offering rent, lease and purchase options for commercial dishwashers and restaurant dishwashers in Canada. Our commercial cleaning equipment comes with extended service hours to keep your business running.

Yes, we offer state of the art technology to monitor your liquid’s flow and tank level.  Our cloud system permits you to adjust any time, liquid flow that might not be accurate or efficient for your laundry machine or dishwasher. ReThink BioClean provides a unique refillery service for your business to move towards a zero waste model for cleaning supplies.

Rethink Bioclean's biodegradable cleaning products offer an eco-friendly alternative, minimizing the harm to the environment. These products have fewer toxins, ensuring safer usage while promoting sustainable practices for janitorial industries and others.

We do an on-site assessment to provide appropriate-sized containers that will provide the customer a monthly supply of the filled liquid.  Our refill centres have both WHMIS approved labels, and easy-to-use reference charts to ensure the correct product is used for each required application.

You can call or set up a booking via our Google Listing, and we would schedule an on-site assessment with yourself.  Following this, you will be provided with a product option listing with prices to suit your requirements.

We offer 24 hour on-call service, which will answer any questions related to your liquids.  We also have optional tank level sensors that will alert us if the tank is at low level., or at risk of running out prior to your scheduled delivery – triggering action from our technicians.